SpaceCo WL01 LED Wave Light LED Task Lighting

SpaceCo WL01 Wave Lighting Specifications:
- Field of Illumination: 80 - 20 fc with light set 15" (380 mm) above desktop. Wave Light greater 24" diameter (610 mm) diameter.
- Illumination Contrast Ratio: Rate of decline in footcandles per inch from peak. Wave light spectrum declines less than 5 fc per inch (75 fc - 23 fc).
- Light Pooling: Pools of light from multiple LEDs that result in excessive contrast ratios. Wave Light patented refractive lens eliminates light pooling.
- Shadows: Caused by multiple LEDs or overly bright light. Wave light minimizes shadows.
- Glare: From light source when viewed from eye level. Wave light design eliminates glare.
- Color Temperature: Ideal is 3400-4000K. Wave light is 3800K.
- CRI (Coloring Rendering Index): Ideal 65+. Wave light CRI is over 65.
- Dimmer: Enables users to adjust illumination levels to compensate for other light sources. Wave light has a 3 level dimmer.
- Luminous Efficacy: Ideal 30 - 45 Lm/W. Wave Light is 29 Lm/W.
- LED Life: Wave Light LEDs have a projected life in excess of 50,000 hours at full power.
Functional and Quality Specifications of SpaceCo Wave Light:
- Arm Extension: 28" (71 cm) from fully folded.
- Arm vertical stop (prevents interference with vertical surfaces)
- 2 axis rotation of light head (vertical and horizontal axis)
- Light head can rotate 90 degree to arm.
- Mounting Options: Panel, C-Clamp, Slatwall, Beam and Freestanding.
- Electrical Input Power (Watts): High (11.0). Medium (5.8). Low (1.5).
- Post consumer recycled content used in packaging.
Technical Drawing for SpaceCo WL01 Wave Light LED Task Lighting

Description of Wave Light:
Wave Light, used in conjunction with ambient lighting, is a cost effective way to reduce energy costs, provide proper illumination, avoid eye strain and increase worker productivity.
Provides the desirable features of LED light without the drawbacks. While some LEDs may have a more desirable color temperature than fluorescent, conventional LED task lights often create an inadequate field of illumination, glare, light pooling, high contrast illumination ratios and /or multiple shadows. Wave light technology eliminates these drawbacks while providing a color temperature in the ideal range as well as a dimmer for adjusting illumination to the desired level.
Why Task Lighting?
Ambient lighting, such as fluorescent ceiling fixtures, are designed to illuminate large areas and thus use significantly more energy than task lighting which is designed to illuminate the desired area only.
While fluorescent ceiling lights have efficiency ratings similar to compact fluorescent lights (CFL) and light-emitting diode (LED) task lights, they use considerably more energy to provide comparable levels of illumination on work surfaces because they are positioned further away. A significant amount of this energy is wasted as it generates heat rather than light, resulting in higher HVAC cooling costs. In addition, the illumination provided by ambient lighting can vary greatly depending on the position of the work surface to light sources such as ceiling fixtures and windows.
Why LED?
Unlike fluorescent lights, LED task lights with dimmers allow individuals to adjust illumination to their desired levels, further reducing energy consumption and increasing LED life. While having a life expectancy of only 6000 hours versus more than 50,000 hours for LEDs, fluorescent lights also employ the use of hazardous materials. Illuminated surfaces appear natural in color under LED light than fluorescent which tends to cast a bluish tint.
Why the Wave LED Task Light?
While LED task lights offer many advantages over CFL lights, such as lower energy costs and longer lifetime, LED light quality can vary greatly, especially with regard to the area of illumination, light pooling, shadows, glare, light contrast ratios and more. The patented refractive lens technology of the wave Light eliminates the shortcomings of other LED lights.
While most LED task lights were designed as desk lights and do not integrate well with office furniture systems, the Wave light was designed to meet the most demanding quality and functional standards for the office environment while integrating with virtually any furniture system.

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