Extra Long Sit-Stand Desk Mount Monitor Arm EDM-4220

Product ID 19874
Extra Long Sit-Stand Desk Mount Monitor Arm EDM-4220
44.5" horizontal extension of EDM-4220
Extra Long Sit-Stand Desk Mount Monitor Arm EDM-4220
Extra Long Sit-Stand Desk Mount Monitor Arm EDM-4220
Extra Long Sit-Stand Desk Mount Monitor Arm EDM-4220
Extra Long Sit-Stand Desk Mount Monitor Arm EDM-4220
Extra Long Sit-Stand Desk Mount Monitor Arm EDM-4220
44.5" horizontal extension of EDM-4220
Extra Long Sit-Stand Desk Mount Monitor Arm EDM-4220
Extra Long Sit-Stand Desk Mount Monitor Arm EDM-4220
Extra Long Sit-Stand Desk Mount Monitor Arm EDM-4220
Extra Long Sit-Stand Desk Mount Monitor Arm EDM-4220


  • Long reach desk mounting monitor arm with 44.5" horizontal extension
  • 20" vertical adjustability allows most users to sit and stand while working
  • Center of the monitor is positioned at 34.4" height from the desktop when monitor is raised to its highest
  • Suitable for tall users
  • Supports monitors weighing between 14 to 25 lbs
  • Comes with grommet and clamp mounts 

EDM-4220 is a long reach, sit-stand, desk mount monitor arm - so it has double the functionality and features. It extends horizontally to attain a reach of 44.5" making it particularly suitable for deep or corner desks. This desk mounting arm also has vertical adjustability of 20" allowing the user to work sitting and standing. One of the components of the EDM-4220 is a 16" pole, which is installed on the desk with a grommet or a clamp mount. The arm is attached to this pole and excluding the 3" pole collar it can be positioned along the length of 13" of the pole. So if the arm is set at its highest along the pole, the center of the monitor will be at a distance of over 34" from the desktop, which means the sit-stand range will work for even a tall person. 

We have not tested EDM-4220 for long term use so we offer a warranty for two units.

Product Options/Accessories

Model EDM-4220
Manufacturer Ergotron
Part Number EDM-4220

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