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Humanscale 950 Standard Compact Single/Dual Mouse Keyboard Tray

"Build your own system, base starts as keyboard tray only". Single Mouse Keyboard System or Dual Mouse Keyboard Platform. Dimensions: 19" W x 8.4" D.

Product ID 15880
Humanscale 950 Standard Compact Single/Dual Mouse Keyboard Tray
Humanscale 6G950-G Keyboard System - Side View
Humanscale 950 Standard Compact Single/Dual Mouse Keyboard Tray
Humanscale 6G950-G Keyboard System - Side View

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Humanscale 950 Standard Compact Keyboard Tray Platform

Drawing of Humanscale 950 Standard Compact Keyboard Tray Platform


We offer a full line of premium mechanisms, keyboard platforms, mouse platforms and palm rests to meet the needs of a wide variety of individuals, workstations and office environments. Each of our platform options is designed to ensure that users type and mouse within their Neutral Reach Zone, thereby encouraging safe, sustainable working postures.

By combining these elements, you will create the most non-intrusive, intuitively adjustable keyboard support available. If your needs are not met by any of our standard options, we can create a solution customized to your specific requirements. All of our keyboard and mouse platforms are made of phenolic, an ultra-strong, remarkably thin (1/4") composite that`s non-toxic, durable and easy to clean.

Standard Compact 950 platform is designed to support nearly all standard keyboards and to fit most desks. Available with any of our mouse options. Dimensions: 19" W x 8.4" D.

Keyboard Systems - In many ways, a keyboard support is the heart of an ergonomic workstation. As reach and vision drive posture, an articulating keyboard system allows the user to sit in a healthy, neutral posture through bringing the keyboard and mouse to the user. A well-designed articulating keyboard system offers protection from carpal tunnel syndrome, neck and back pain and other musculoskeletal issues. Since 1995, Humanscale has been the leading manufacturer of articulating keyboard systems and today sells more than all other manufacturers combined.

Effortless Use - Humanscale patented keyboard systems have effortless height and angle adjustment. Promoting negative tilt keying, the keyboard platforms will not go into a positive tilt.

Durability - Humanscale keyboard trays are solidly anchored to any work surface, and shape to specific user needs. Hypoallergenic Gel palm supports offer height and durability, and are designed to be compatible with human skin.

Customization - Humanscale offers three negative-tilt keyboard systems, from 5G to our latest 6G, which combines easy dial-a-tilt and height adjustability with the strongest, most stable arm on the market. Humanscale keyboard supports come in many different configurations, including left/right customization, to support any user need.

Design Story - An ergonomically designed keyboard is essential for every workstation. Ergonomists agree that the healthiest typing posture is one that allows the wrists to maintain a neutral or slightly pronated posture - straight or bent at a slightly downward angle. For that reason, Humanscale designers created our keyboard systems to allow the keyboard to positioned anywhere from 0 degrees to a -15 degree angle.

A decade of ergonomic research shows that using a negative sloped adjustable keyboard tray maximizes the time spent working in a neutral hand, wrist and upper body postures. These postural benefits can’t be achieved by just using a keyboard on a height-adjustable work surface." - Dr. Alan Hedge, Cornell University

The Neutral Reach Zone

The Neutral Reach Zone is the area that can be conveniently reached with a sweep of the forearm while the upper arm hangs in a natural position at the side. (Sanders & McCormick, 1993)

Unlike older generation keyboard/mouse solutions, our platforms are designed to ensure that nearly all users are able to work consistently within their Neutral Reach Zone, and thus maintain a low-risk, sustainable posture.

Neutral Reach Zone

Option 1 - Color

  • Black
  • White

Option 2 - Arms Type


Humanscale 2G Adjustable Keyboard Arm Mechanism


Humanscale 5G Height Adjustable Keyboard Arm Mechanism


Humanscale 6G Adjustable Keyboard Arm Mechanism


Humanscale 5GSM Adjustable Short Arm Keyboard Mechanism


Humanscale 5GAD Above Desk Adjustable longer Arm Keyboard Mechanism

Option 3 - Track

Refers to the under-desk mounted track that the mechanism slides along. Measure the amount of flat space you have on the under-side (from front to back of your desk) to determine which track length best suits you. The longer the track you are able to fit, the farther underneath the desk you will be able to slide the platform. The track measures 5-1/2" in width and is available in seven lengths:

11" Track For real small Desks at least 11" deep "from front to back"
14" Track For real small Desks at least 14" deep "from front to back"
16" Track For real small Desks at least 16" deep "from front to back"
18" Track For smaller Desks at least 18" deep "measure from front to back"
21 3/4" Track (Standard) For use with 22" deep Desks "measure from front to back"
25" Track For deeper Desks with up to 25" depth "from front to back"
27" Track For real deep Desks with up to 27" depth "from front to back"

Option 4 - Track Length

  • Desk has more than 22" clear space under desktop, front to back
  • Less than 22" & more than 18" clearance under desktop, front to back
  • Less than 18" & more than 16" clearance under desktop, front to back
  • Desk has less than 16" & more than 14" clear space under desktop, front to back

Option 5 - Mousing Platform

Clip Mouse - The only mousing platform that lets users adjust their mousing position in all three dimensions for maximum comfort. With height, depth, lateral and tilt adjustability, it can be positioned where it is needed for truly custom support. It can also be easily moved from one side of the keyboard to the other for left- or right-handed use.

Height - Clip Mouse platforms model 90 and 91 can be in one of the two positions. Position one is parallel and to the side of the keyboard. Second position is approximately 1.5" above and over numeric keypad/keyboard.

Clip mouse adds minimum of 4" to maximum of 10" to either side of the keyboard platform. Clip mouse is not recommended for In small and tight areas areas such as small cubicles.

8.5" Clip Mouse (for right or left hand) 90
8.5" Clip Mouse (dual for both hands) 90D
8.5" High Clip (for right or left hand) 90H
8.5" High Clip (dual for both hands) 90HD
10" Clip Mouse (for right or left hand) 91
10" Clip Mouse (dual for both hands) 91D
10" High Clip (dual for both hands) 91HD

Humanscale Clip Mouse Platform

Side View of Humanscale Clip Mouse Platform

Clip Mouse "side view

Humanscale Clip Mouse Platform positions

Clip Mouse "positions"

Humanscale 90D Dual Clip Mouse Platform

Clip Mouse - 90D Platforms "for both hands"

Swivel Mouse - Attached to our standard keyboard platform, which is designed to support nearly all standard keyboards, the swivel mouse provides a wide range of adjustability within the Neutral Reach Zone. 8 or 10-inch platforms are available in left, right and dual positions.

8" Swivel Right 11R
8" Swivel Left 11L
8" Swivel Dual 11D
10" Swivel Right 12R
10" Swivel Left 12L
10" Swivel Dual 12D

Humanscale 11R right Swivel Mouse Platform

Humanscale 11D Dual Swivel Mouse Platform for both hands

Swivel Mouse - 11D Platforms "for both hands"

M2 Mouse - A unique platform solution that provides maximum keyboard accessibility without minimizing the size of the mousing surface. Recommended solution when the numeric keypad is infrequently used.

M2 Right 81R
M2 Left 81L
M2 Dual 81D

Humanscale M2 right Mouse Platform

Humanscale 81D Dual M2 Mouse Platforms for both hands

M2 Mouse - 81D Platforms "for both hands"

Option 6 - Lateral Slider

Humanscale LS Lateral Slider Mechanism Accessory for Keyboard Trays

Humanscale Lateral Slider allows the platform to be adjusted left or right a total of 8" for optimal keyboard positioning. It can be ordered with any keyboard mechanism by indicating "LS" after the mechanism code (e.g., 6GLS or 6GWLS).

Option 7 - Palm Rest

Humanscale Palm Rest Support

Available with either a foam or gel core, our synthetic leather palm supports are comfortable, durable and easy to clean. Our standard palm supports are available in black. However, as with our platforms, other colors can be made available on request.

Option 8 - Corner Solution

Humanscale DE100 Corner Sleeve

Humanscale DE100 Corner Sleeve

  • DE100 - 29.5" x 12.188"
  • Fits desks 1" to 1.5" thick

Humanscale DE200 or DE250 Corner Sleeve Solution

Humanscale DE200 or DE250 Corner Sleeve

  • DE200/250 - 16" diameter
  • DE 200 fits desks 1" to 1.5" thick
  • DE 250 fits desks 1.5" to 2.5" thick

Humanscale DE400 or DE450 Corner Sleeve Solution

Humanscale DE400 or DE450 Corner Sleeve Solution

  • DE400/450 - 38.5" x 13.75"
  • DE 400 fits desks 1" to 1.5" thick
  • DE 450 fits desks 1.5" to 2.5" thick

Option 9 - Mouse Pad


Humanscale MPGEL8 Mouse Pad

  • 11R, 11L and 11D Compatible
  • 8" Mouse Pad with Gel Palm


Humanscale MPGEL10 Mouse Pad

  • 12R, 12L and 12D Compatible
  • 10" Mouse Pad with Gel Palm


Humanscale CMPGEL Mouse Pad

  • 10" Clip Mouse pad with Gel


Humanscale CMPGEL8 Mouse Pad

  • 8.5" Clip Mouse pad with Gel


Humanscale HSMP12TIPS - 8" and 9" 12-Tips Ergo Mouse Pad

  • 8" and 9" 12-Tips Ergo Mouse Pad

Product Options/Accessories

Frequently Asked Questions

Model 950
Manufacturer Humanscale
Part Number 950
Dimensions 19" W x 8.4" D

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Limited Warranty

Humanscale offers the following warranties on its products, subject to any exclusions and limitations as set forth below:

Product Warranty
Customer’s Own Material (COM, COL) No Warranty
Switch Mouse 1 Year, 24/7 Warranty
Technology Products 3 Years, Limited Warranty
Element Series Lights 10 Years, 24/7 Warranty
Horizon Series Lights 10 Years, 24/7 Warranty
Diffrient Series Lights 5 Years, 24/7 Warranty
Float Table, (Mechanical) 5 Years, 24/7 Warranty
eFloat and Electric Float 5 Years, 24/7 Warranty
QuickStand Sit/Stand Workstation, QuickStand Lite, QuickStand Eco, QuickStand Underdesk 5 Years, 24/7 Warranty
Fabric/Cushions/Arm Pads 5 Years, Single-Shift Warranty
M2, M/Flex & Para/Flex Monitor Arms 15 Years, 24/7 Warranty
M4, M7 & M8 Monitor Arms with Gas Cylinder Components 10 Years, 24/7 Warranty
Ballo Stool 3 Years, Single-Shift Warranty
Vessel Lights 10 Years, 24/7 Warranty, 3 Years 24/7 Warranty for the power supply driver
M/Connect 3 Years, 24/7 Warranty
M/Power 3 Years, 24/7 Warranty
M/Connect 2 3 Years, 24/7 Warranty
Monarch Mat 3 Years, 24/7 Warranty
Office IQ 1 Year, 24/7 Warranty
All other seating and products detailed in a current Humanscale Price Guide, unless otherwise specified 15 Years, 24/7 Warranty
All other products NOT detailed in a current Humanscale Price Guide Varies; consult your Humanscale representative for details

Modifying or tampering with any part of the base of the Float Table will render the warranty void. The warranty on the Float Table applies to the base and work surface if the table top is provided by Humanscale, and only to base if the table top is provided by a third-party, provided that the third-party table top meets the following requirements: (i) has a depth of 36" or less, (ii) has a width of 72" or less, and (iii) the total weight load including work surface is no more than 130 lbs for the standard base and no more than 160 lbs for the heavy duty base.

Note: Ballo is not a task chair. It has not passed the BIFMA or European EN standards for office seating. The Ballo in an exercise chair that is designed for dynamic seating and frequent movement. All Ballo instructions should be followed to ensure a comfortable experience.

Modifying or tampering with any part of the base of the eFloat or electric Float will render the warranty void. The warranty on the eFloat and electric Float applies to the base and work surface if the table top is provided by Humanscale, and only to base if the table top is provided by a third-party, provided that the third-party table top meets the following requirements: (i) has a depth of 36" or less, (ii) has a width of 72" or less, and (iii) a total weight load including work surface of no more than 200 lbs.

The warranties for the Vessel lights exclude labor and other costs associated with the installation and/or removal of the lights from ceilings, walls, fixtures, etc. Further, Humanscale has no warranty obligations if the product is affected by internal or external environmental conditions (including but not limited to water, moisture, outdoor use, or temperature damage), power fluctuations, improper power supply, or if the product is not installed and used in compliance will all applicable standards and electrical codes.

These warranties are available to the original end-user customer only and are non-transferable. For these warranties to be valid, the Humanscale product must have been purchased directly from Humanscale and/or an authorized dealership, distributor, retailer and/or reseller of Humanscale products. If products are procured through an authorized dealership, distributor, retailer and/or reseller, the end-user customer must be registered with Humanscale for the warranty to be in effect. Humanscale warrants that, at the time of customer’s receipt, the product will be in good working order and will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the duration of the warranty term, as set forth above. These warranties do not apply to normal wear and tear or damage caused by accident, neglect, product abuse, misuse and/or failure to follow instructions relating to the product’s installation or intended use. Humanscale will not be responsible for damage due to service, maintenance, modifications or tampering by anyone other than a Humanscale authorized representative. Humanscale will not be responsible for injury or damage caused by or associated with the installation and/or use of products in any manner other than in strict conformance with the instructions set forth in its installation manuals and instruction sheets and/or product literature. These warranties do not cover damage caused by a carrier or transportation of the product from one location to another, or alterations made by owner. Humanscale does not warrant damages or defects to the products under the following conditions: an Act of God, damage from electrical power problems, usage of parts or components not supplied by Humanscale, failure to perform preventative maintenance, or damage caused by peripherals not supplied by Humanscale.

In the event a product or product part is defective in material or workmanship during the warranty period, and Humanscale receives written notice of the defect within the warranty period, Humanscale will determine with customer if the defect is covered under warranty. Humanscale, at its option, may repair or replace the defective product or product part determined to be under warranty with the same or comparable product or product part as determined by Humanscale, at customer’s location or at a designated Humanscale location. The labor costs associated with the repair of the product or product part may be the responsibility of Humanscale if the product or product part is determined to be under warranty. Humanscale must pre-approve the labor costs prior to the repair or replacement of warranty products or product parts. Customer must contact Humanscale to obtain a Return Authorization through the Humanscale Customer Service Department. Performance of any repair or replacement does not renew or extend the warranty period. If, after examining and testing a returned product or product part, Humanscale determines that the product or product part is not defective, Humanscale will notify customer and return the product or product part to customer. Customer will be responsible for the freight charges associated with the return of non-defective products or product parts. To return a product or product part for repair that is not covered by warranty, Customer must request a Return Authorization through the Humanscale Customer Service Department. Customer will bear the costs of labor and freight charges associated with non-warranty repair. Customer will be charged a standard repair fee, specific to the product, for any product that is repaired outside of the warranty period. Repairs on products out of warranty also carry a 90-day warranty, effective the day that Customer receives the repaired product or product part. For products that are not covered under warranty: Customer may upgrade to a newer, functionally equivalent product at the list price; the product or product part will be returned to Customer; or Customer can request in writing that Humanscale dispose of the product or product part for Customer, in which case a fee may apply as designated by local law.


Humanscale does not warrant that customer’s use of the Humanscale product will be uninterrupted or error free. Any implied warranties that may be imposed by law are limited in duration to the Limited Warranty period, to the greatest extent allowed by law. Some states or countries do not allow a limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages for consumer products. In such states or countries, some exclusions or limitations of this Limited Warranty may not apply. This Limited Warranty is subject to change without notification.

Limitation of Liability
Purchaser’s remedies set forth herein are exclusive and the liability of Humanscale with respect to the breach of this agreement or any contract entered into between the parties pursuant hereto shall not exceed the price of the product or part on which such liability is based. In no event will Humanscale be liable to purchasers for any special, collateral, incidental or consequential damages however caused, whether by Humanscale’s negligence or otherwise. The remedies provided above are the purchaser’s sole remedies for any failure of Humanscale to comply with its obligations regarding the workmanship of its products. Correction of any nonconformity in the manner and for the period of time provided shall constitute complete fulfillment of all liabilities of Humanscale, with respect to or arising out of the product furnished hereunder.