
Theft Prevention For Digital Devices

Today’s technology is making it possible for all digital devices to become smaller and lighter. Our laptops are now thinner and sleeker than ever before. Tablets have touch-screens and retina display screens, and can do just about anything we need. All of this helps humans be more comfortable than ever


What is Task Lighting?

Task lighting is lighting that illuminates a specific area and makes the completion of a task easier as opposed to ambient lighting that sheds light on a general area, or mood lighting that illuminates for creating a certain atmosphere or effect. Which industries need task lighting? Task lighting becomes especially


Stand Up Desks for Schools

If you live in America, you’re aware of the obesity epidemic. Today’s youth are affected more than any other group.  But there are some solutions to this problem that are tangible and will be effective if implemented properly. Exercise – According to American Psychological Association (APA), only 30 percent of


Hunchbacks of Cyberland!

Many of us own laptops. Even if you have a desktop in your office you probably use a laptop at home in order to take care of e-mails or play games over the weekend. Admittedly, it’s pretty tiring to hold onto your laptop. Your body locks up in order to


The Dangers of Sitting

We all do it everyday. We are told that we should be up and about more, but something keeps us glued to our sets. It could be our televisions, our computers, or simply a habit in your workday. Whatever it is, the evidence is clear, sitting too much is bad


Stylize Your Office With Ergonomics

We all have something that we want the newest version of: clothes, shoes, kitchen appliances, video games, a car. Our houses are filled with furniture and accessories that are stylish and functional. What about your office? Why do we neglect the area where our work is performed? Even at home,


Sitting for Too Long! Ouch!

Back pain is just the beginning If you sit in front of a monitor for hours every day, chances are you’re feeling the pain. Prolonged static postures inhibit blood circulation and lead to inflammation of joints and organs. Symptoms can include chronic back pain, repetitive stress injury, fatigue, digestive problems,


Adjustable Monitor Arms For Everyone

The function of a Monitor Arm can be summed up with height adjustability and flexibility.  Addition of a Monitor Arm is a cost-effective way to start making your workplace ergonomic.  An arm will allow you to adjust the height of your computer screen in such a way that the top


Two Mice Are Better Than One

Prevent Repetitive Stress Injury with Dual and Ergonomic Mousing If you drop a frog into boiling water he’ll jump out, but if you put him in cool water and slowly heat it up, he’ll cook. We all learned that in high-school biology, but what’s the lesson? If you’re a typical


Step Up Your Game With Ergonomics

You’d never let your in-game character suffer unnecessarily. So why let your body? Whether you play an MMORPG or an FPS, up your game by taking care of yourself. The statistics are staggering. With 155 million Americans regularly playing video games and 42% of them playing for at least three