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Apple Joins the Standing Revolution

It came out to a roar of applause. Like a rock concert at a stadium, Silicon Valley was on its toes as everyone waited to hear the big news.  Once it was seen, everyone  was talking about it across the country. It was shiny, it was wearable, and it was


How To Stay Active at Work

Remember when you were a kid at school? You had multiple stretches of physical activity during the day: morning recess, lunch time, phys-ed, afternoon recess, and even playtime after school with friends. But as you progressed, things changed. Homework and the time you spent at school increased. The time you


Clear Solution for Blurry Eyes

We cannot gush enough about the advances in technology and the convenience it grants us anywhere and everywhere. The digital devices have increased our reach, made us mobile, reduced distances and the time taken to carry out day to day activities like banking, shopping and so forth. But do not


Arm Your Tablet! Use it Hands-Free Anywhere!

Tablets personify convenience!  Convenience of interacting with our choice of media, accessing the Internet on the go, video chatting with a loved one in another continent, sharing a presentation, playing music or watching a movie while cooking, reading a newspaper online and so on and so forth! Tablets have become


More Wall Mounts! That’s Heavy Duty, Isn’t It?

Technology has seeped into our lives in various ways. Take a tablet for example! When many people first saw a tablet, it was considered a tool for leisure and entertainment – a way to read books and play games. But now one can also use the device to piece together


Why Are Ergonomic Keyboards So Important?

Computers were created to advance the abilities of mankind – to unlock digital worlds and connect us in ways like never before! They also brought unprecedented convenience in areas like shopping, dating, planning vacations, and experiencing new forms of entertainment. Yet for all the creature comforts that computers bring to


Ergonomics and Cancer

Let’s say you are a fitness fanatic! You don’t drink or smoke and you have a desk job, whereby you are glued to your chair and computer for at least 8 hours a day. But as soon as you finish work, you rush to the gym every single day for


How to Mount a TV on the Wall

Technology has surpassed our imagination. Smart TVs dial us into a world of entertainment with a press of a button. You can now play video games, listen to music, watch movies and surf the Internet on your television. But there is another way in which we are using technology for


Theft Prevention For Digital Devices

Today’s technology is making it possible for all digital devices to become smaller and lighter. Our laptops are now thinner and sleeker than ever before. Tablets have touch-screens and retina display screens, and can do just about anything we need. All of this helps humans be more comfortable than ever