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How to Stay Healthy at the Office

We are all busy, and staying healthy can be tough. What do we recommend to keep you on track during the work week? 1.     Drink more water. The average adult is usually under-hydrated. You should be getting 8 cups a day. Water keeps you energized, and can even help regulate


Falling Asleep at Work? Here’s Your Solution

Are you having trouble staying awake at work? The National Sleep Foundation’s 2008 Sleep in America poll found that 29% of its respondents fell asleep or became drowsy at work. What can you do to stay awake? Try your best to get enough rest the night before. Keep your work


Can Sitting for too Long Cause Health-Related Risks?

These days, sitting at a desk is an extremely common part of daily life. Many people find themselves hunched over their desks for hours at work, or slouching in their seats to pay attention to a lengthy lecture while rapidly scribbling notes. A startling study conducted in 2011* confirmed that


Three Tips to Prevent Typing-Related Risks

Typing away all day can have a few health risks. Whether you work in an office or have to write lengthy research papers to obtain a college education, there are a few things that you should know before you type. There are two major conditions involved with excessive typing: Repetitive

Why do we need Keyboard Trays

Why do we Need Keyboard Trays?

The location of your keyboard is critical to achieve optimal comfort and prevent injury while working at the computer. Placing your keyboard on the top of the desk causes most people to reach and extend their arms to type and use the mouse. Over time this reach and extension causes


How to Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Why do my wrists hurt? Whether you work at an office or work from home – If you are working on a computer chances are you’ve felt an ache or two. There are two things you can do, ignore it and let it get worse, or take action. They say


What Are “Ergonomics”?

Ergonomics. A new hot topic that is generally misunderstood. Ergonomics is a science that helps us understand and design an optimal work environment to achieve comfort, productivity and health.   Wikipedia defines Ergonomics as, “the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, its movements, and its